When you place your order a Dell™ server of your choice will be either leased or purchased outright and then pre-installed and configured with the software and operating system by our technicians. We are a registered Dell™ Solution Provider for Small & Medium Businesses and all servers are supplied with a Dell™ warranty.
The standard configuration includes:
- Dell™ PowerEdge servers
- OpenERP ERP/CRM system
- Encryption of the hard drives (optional)
- Security of all network connections using strong SSL encryption
- MySQL and/or PostgreSQL
- Remote Monitoring Service
Both the server operating system (Linux) and the ERP software are Open Source solutions (released under the GNU General Public License) which frees your company from any licensing costs, irrespective of the number of users that can access and use this software. Also, like most Open Source software both the Linux operating system and OpenERP have active on-line support communities, which are freely available to answer users' questions.
In addition to the above we can offer many different optional software applications available to meet your specific needs. Please Contact Us for more information.