Scheduled Power Outage
Copyright © Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL 2022
August 24, 2022
This writing is intended to both educate and persuade the reader. Educate, by sharing both known facts and foreseen events based on deductive reasoning. Persuade, by helping the reader desire to prepare for the coming power outage. This writing has no attempt to accomplish entertainment.
The United States has a scheduled power outage set for Tuesday, November 5, 2024 by way of a service disconnect to remove the strain on its Constitution. The strain on its Constitution exists due to the mismatch between its Preamble and recent events. The outage will occur by way of a service disconnect between its government and its citizens.
The effected service area is nationwide and includes over 80% of planet Earth. Nationwide, including all states, its federal district, all five major unincorporated territories, all nine minor outlying islands, and all Native American reservations. The intended outcome of the service event is to disconnect all instances of the [go-along to get-along] ideology by disconnecting power from one or the other of the two dominant United States political parties and reconnecting power to the people by having only one political party with enough power to serve the people per its Preamble.
Failure of the planned strain removal effort could result in neither dominant United States political party holding power. There is no contingency plan in place should this outcome occur. The restoration of power during this condition will be unstructured.
Power Fundamentals
There are many types and forms of power, both tangible and intangible. The lifecycle components of power are generation, storage, supply, and demand. Power is generated through one or more processes. Power is then held in some form of storage so it can be supplied to those who want to use the generated power. The total power stored collectively is called power supply.
Power is then demanded from the power supply by those wanting more power than they have when they demand additional power. If power is supplied to satisfy the demand of the power recipient in combination with the power being delivered where, when, and how it is requested to be delivered, then there is harmony between the power supply, those holding the power, and power demand, those who want to use the stored power, which is those not holding enough power to satisfy their preferences.
The lifecycle of power is also called the shifting of power. The process of turning off electric lights means the flow of power has stopped. This course of events tells at least four aspects of truth.
Aspect One
Those who complain about darkness are those who want to receive more power.
Aspect Two
Those who complain about not having additional power when they are satisfied with being in the dark are those who want to receive more power.
Aspect Three
Control of additional power is beyond the existing ability of those wanting to hold the additional power.
Aspect Four
Those who experience a loss of power often become scared.
Anyone who does not hold a perspective based on fact has impaired judgment. Contention by sharp disagreement is a clear sign of grasping for power. The shifting of power often reveals these points clearly to the objective observer.
It is reasonable to believe anyone offended by either a loss of power or at the least the disruption of power supply will attempt to change their circumstances. The common action of a dissatisfied power holder occurs in four parts. First, they seize those holding the power they desire. Second, they drag them to an authority figure. Third, they seek to gain public favor, Finally, they demand they be compensated for the disturbance caused by not supplying them with the power being delivered where, when, and how it is requested to be delivered. The supply and demand principles of power were addressed further in a previous article of May 2021.
Historical Events
The United States is governed by a Constitution having coequal powers of legislative, executive, and judicial. It contributed significantly to remediating 27 declared grievances. There is no law in the United States holding greater power than its Constitution as defined by its Supremacy Clause and matched with its Tenth Amendment. Article One, Section Four, Clause One defines the time, place, and manner of holding elections. This text led to forming a uniform date for federal elections. Each state defines voting eligibility and balloting requirements for its residents resulting in inconsistent voting records traceability. The absence of audit ability equals the absence of assurance.
Each state has the freedom to allow non-citizens to vote in non-federal elections. Each state defines their process to separate ballots cast for federal elections from all other elections. The absence of assurance by all states a non-citizen did not vote in any federal election provides the opportunity to commit voter fraud.
The presidency is the executive branch. Article Two, Section One, Clause Five defines the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States. The presidential election cycle occurs every four years. Inconsistent voting records traceability at the state level suffers the ability to assure all presidential elections by not assuring only United States citizens vote in presidential elections. The next presidential election cycle occurs on November 5, 2024.
Recent Events
The November 2022 election cycle will elect legislative members at the federal level and many types of offices at both the state and local levels. The 2024 election cycle has been shaking the United States both socially and politically since November 2020. This shaking has been increasing in both size and intensity by the week with no indication it will lessen in either scope or intensity. The shaking has resulted in a metaphoric cracking of the trust bond held by United States citizens for their elected figures, appointed political figures, non-elected government officials, active duty senior military officers, and practicing senior medical professionals in government agencies. The cracks exist now at various sizes and locations.
The driving reasons for this shaking include decreasing confidence by United States citizens in public health, public education, and public law. The United States public, both citizens and immigrants, have decreased both listening to and obeying federal institutions over the past two decades. The only recourse held by the federal institutions at this point is to either disband their policies on the three identified public confidence concerns or take forceful action on the public to accomplish public adherence to federal mandates. The remaining identified recent events within the United States were addressed further in the previous articles of June 2022 and July 2022.
Arguably, the Schedule F Appointment job classification was the source of the greatest visible strain between the executive branch and those employed by excepted service within the United States federal civil service. The reason for this strain is twofold. First, federal employees who establish policy are not held accountable for their work presently while there is growing desire by the United States citizenship to hold them accountable. Second, any worker who is not held accountable for their work can implement change without resistance from their employer, their customer, or their government.
The comprehensive polling cross-section over the past decade indicates about one-third (66%) of those who vote in the United States desire to live by its Constitution. The cross-section is determined by a weighted average from much of the polling data available to the public. This figure represents a 16% + 50% majority choosing to vote in the United States.
The November 2024 election cycle will most likely determine whether or not the United States will continue to be a Constitutionally-governed nation. The reason for this likely outcome is twofold. First, the election includes a presidential election cycle. Second, only a 16% + 50% majority vote in the United States for the United States to continue living by its Constitution. Any group below 50% in size comprises the minority share. Mathematically, only a 16% segment of the voting population keeps the United States a Constitutionally-governed nation.
Presidency Exists Only Within Constitution
Anyone elected to the presidency outside of the text stated in the United States Constitution to elect a president is not the President of the United States. They are a leader of the form of government then ruling the United States. This condition occurring means the United States would then no longer be a Constitutionally-governed nation. It would then be a group of people on a segment of the Earth.
Power Outage Plan Outline
The intent of the November 2024 presidential election cycle is to eliminate power duality from existence. Duality, in the form of the two dominant political parties each holding large amounts of power. The only two options ever available to any political party are to either serve the people or force the people. The desired outcome of each dominant political party today is to have their way as winners of the 2024 election.
The November 2024 presidential election cycle will not survive a lengthy vote count. Any vote-counting effort occurring beyond midnight on the west coast of election day will be determined by the voting population as fraudulent. There are only three foreseen events that could result as outcomes of the 2024 election day based on both known facts and deductive reasoning.
Foreseen Event One
The sun arrives on the eastern coast of the United States on November 6, 2024, and the presidential election vote decision has been determined.
Foreseen Event Two
The sun arrives on the eastern coast of the United States on November 6, 2024, the presidential election vote decision has not been determined.
Foreseen Event Three
The sun arrives on the eastern coast of the United States on November 6, 2024, and the presidential election vote decision is never determined.
Power Restoration Outcomes
There are three known outcomes to the three foreseen events based on both known facts and deductive reasoning. Only one known outcome will occur. No two known outcomes can occur either alone or in concert. All three known outcomes cannot occur either alone or in concert. It is unclear based on the held evidence which known outcome will occur.
Known Outcome One
The United States accepts the winner of either a narrow or wide election margin win. The United States continues as a Constitutionally-governed nation. The world continues to receive the combined benefits and hindrances of the United States. This outcome is the result of Foreseen Event One.
Known Outcome Two
The United States cannot function as a Constitutionally-governed nation without the three coequal branches of government. The United States ends as a Constitutionally-governed nation. There is a group of people on a segment of the Earth that was called the United States. There are no citizens as there is no country. The world does not continue to receive the combined benefits and hindrances of what was the United States. An attempt to establish a new country with a new form of government is initiated. This outcome is the result of Foreseen Event Two.
Known Outcome Three
The United States cannot function as a Constitutionally-governed nation without the three coequal branches of government. The United States ends as a Constitutionally-governed nation. There is a group of people on a segment of the Earth that was called the United States. There are no citizens as there is no country. The world does not continue to receive the combined benefits and hindrances of what was the United States. The world begins to take the pieces of the United States at will. This outcome is the result of Foreseen Event Three.
The following recommendations are provided based on both known facts and deductive reasoning.
Worldview Matters Greatly
The reader of this article holding a concise understanding of their worldview will help them prepare for the three known outcomes. A worldview is greater than only trusting in either a god or a form of government. A worldview is the total belief system held by a person. It is unique to each person. Preparation to experience the foreseen is the expected behavior of a rational person.
Denying Does Not Bring Safety
The reader of this article denying the November 2024 election cycle outcome will not have a significant impact on them is denying reality. Such an action is not only a form of ignorance. It is also a form of arrogance. Neither ignorance nor arrogance is a known contributor to any form of personal health, personal growth, or personal sustainability.
Ignoring Does Not Bring Safety
The reader of this article ignoring the November 2024 election cycle as a whole is denying reality. Such an action is not only a form of ignorance. It is also a form of arrogance. Neither ignorance nor arrogance is a known contributor to any form of personal health, personal growth, or personal sustainability.
Preparing Does Improve Success Likelihood
The reader of this article holding a worldview shaped to handle the three known outcomes is prepared to succeed in life after November 5, 2024. It is reasonable to believe they will hold many forms of personal health, grow as a person both tangibly and intangibly, and live a life that is pleasing to their worldview.
Both known facts and foreseen events have been presented based on deductive reasoning. Several recent events over the past two decades show conflict between historical events and the form of government espoused recently by the United States. The recent shifting of power through both societal and political levels will result in a definitive either-or conclusion as a result of the next presidential election cycle. The United States will either continue after or end on November 5, 2024. Recommendations have been presented to assist the reader to succeed after November 5, 2024.
Stephen Dawson is an executive consultant of technology and business strategy, serving significant international organizations by providing leadership consulting, strategic planning, and executive communications. Contact him at