Dr. Stephen H. Dawson, DSL
The difference between commentary and rhetoric is defined only by the person considering the words of another person. Some people need few words to understand a message, while others need more words. The number of words necessary to gain understanding is not always important. Acquiring understanding to achieve effective communication is important. The investment of the time and effort necessary for accomplishing communication is well-spent when it leads to a shared understanding.
The chronicle of our world is replete with struggle in all cultures and sub-cultures. The worldview held by each person greatly influences their ability to recognize, define, and resolve any problem. The era we live in now is difficult for many, at numerous locations of several countries. Sovereign borders do not separate people from the need of genuine help, particularly at a time when Internet driven globalization is bringing humanity closer together than ever before in history. It is suitable, if the sanctity and dignity of life are each held in high regard, we place less effort on harmful forms of division and more effort on healthy forms of unity, for moving towards finding the means to live in harmony. Therefore, it is necessary for us all to find clear and specific recommendations to resolve the problems we as humanity face today.
These writings are commentary of matters in the public domain, speaking to a specifically identified problem, with the hope of helping to resolve the problem. Appreciation of the problem is accomplished through empathy with those suffering from the problem. The goal of these commentaries is to reveal observations of truth to the reader and help them find revelation, to integrate newly realized truth into their lives. The intent of these commentaries is to bring realization of the need for change. This realization is accomplished by providing a description; explanation for causes; a critique of those involved; appropriate criticism; recommendations to resolve; and identification of specific needs for additional research to resolve the problem. It is not the goal of these commentaries to assign blame or use fear mongering to influence change. It is understood many problems in life are often interrelated and complex. These commentaries are not an exhaustive treatise. All statements are justified by providing supporting evidence of both academic and professional merit.
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Evidence of a virtue is evidence of moral excellence. Perhaps the greatest virtue of all is gratitude. Thank you, for reading these commentaries.
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Skills, Motivations, and Relevance
A greater struggle to think critically is where the proverbial rubber meets the road for anyone with lesser learning in reading-writing-arithmetic skills.
Foundations of Education
Assistance to alleviate personal anger and fear by personal instruction on accessing truth through education after possessing the necessary humility and trust requirements.
Scheduled Power Outage
The United States has a scheduled power outage set for Tuesday, November 5, 2024 by way of a service disconnect to remove the strain on its Constitution.
The Transformed United States Government
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The United States in the 1950s transformed into a non-constitutional form of government, where federal departments collectively hold more authority than elected officials.
What would it look like if America split?
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The overwhelming evidence present in the public domain today leads to the incontrovertible conclusion the United States of America will separate into two countries in less than fifty years.
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Society sometimes reaches a place where doing nearly anything without listening occurs by the majority of people. It is this condition where the world now finds itself.
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A close look at things when they happen is a sound approach to getting a good perspective on things. Then, stepping back and reviewing events later to see how things look after the dust settles.
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Let's look at a formula I have studied for years to help me evaluate the possibility someone would want to purchase something from me as a means to guide your interview conversations.
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You must hold, without a doubt, a clear understanding of the abilities each job applicant holds today. What credentials they held in the past may be nice to know, but that was then.
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There are parts of the truth we understand, but never all of the truth. If someone understood all truth, then they would be omniscient.
The Stuff
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The reality of our impact both now and tomorrow is the challenge of living what we believe by doing what we believe.
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Your power as a leader is about to be challenged in a way that you may not be prepared to handle.
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Leadership is achieved by people who lead. Group leadership is a flawed concept resulting in a toxic leadership style.
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I see there are three options when it comes to relating to people. The first option is to love them. The second option is to hate them. The final option is to care less about them.
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You will not, repeat...will not...succeed in your strategic planning efforts without the energy supplied by love.
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If there is no room for reason, then there is no likelihood of success in any engagement with people regardless of either using or not using diplomacy.
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So, living with my being a foreigner who lives with foreigners is fine with me. This acceptance is nice, since this is the way it is for all of us one-of-a-kind creatures.
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I have learned over the years standing on others always goes bad. Standing on anyone is called oppression. A more accurate term for oppression is evil.
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The pattern playing out is clear. The leadership's proverbial music is not making the audience (the organization) happy enough for them to want to keep listening.
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There is little value in doing anything to meet the demands of anyone who has no interest in you.
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I am convinced without reservation that reading is a critical success factor for staying out of the mess I identified as the cause of strategy work not progressing as desired.
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We only see if we look. We only look by choice. We may glance at or skim through what we read, but neither of these actions results in seeing.
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I put down fear decades ago by learning from the wisdom held by one of my first mentors. Fear is nothing more than an acronym: False-Evidence-Appearing-Real. Fear occurs during a state of confusion about facts.
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Sometimes, we realize we are only opinionating. Other times, we are able to stay grounded in facts. The rest of the time, it seems like we do not care enough to do either.
Destination Unknown
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2020 shattered many strategic planning best practices. Today, performing work involving strategy now requires using many techniques that were retired during the digital age. Accomplishing strategy going forward involves both the strategy classics and digitization applied through a discrete contextual model.
Detoxifying the Leadership Style of Hamid Karzai
A summary presentation of the Afghan culture and the toxic effect of the Karzai leadership style, contributing to the infectious marginalization epidemic for both the Afghan culture and surrounding region.